
I will translate at my convenience”, Notes on Wild Peach, S*an D. Henry-Smith (Futurepoem Books) - w/ Justin Phillip Reed - The Poetry Project Newsletter



Vinyl Poetry & Prose | “Of The Question Of Self & How It Never Quite Gets Answered”

92Y A New Colossus: A Celebration of Our America | "To Disembark" (after Glenn Ligon)

boundary2 | “you have to carry something / no lady is sure at night”

Gulf Coast | "In Translation" and "Portrait of The Artist As A Young Man"

Poetry Project | “The Great Thing About Having A Secret is / It Stays A Secret”

Nepantla | "Watching Paul Mooney Hum Amazing Grace Post 9-11 While Eating Hot Wings From Crown Fried"

The Offing | "the subject seems to fall apart in your hands"

Twelfth House | "re-enactments with the volume down" and "Contextual"

The Rumpus | "i am a hide"

MUZZLE Magazine | "a question of rain."




Fields Magazine (Issue 5) | Two Poems

Day One (Kindle) | "back home we call them slums"